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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't want to go to school!!!!

Saw these pictures on Facebook and thought I would share :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

كي نرى الجانب الاخر

جلست فى الحديقة العامة و الدموع تملأ عينى ....كنت فى غاية الضيق والحزن ، ظروفى فى العمل لم تكن على ما يرام، بالإضافة إلى بعض المشاكل الشخصية الأخرى.

بعد عدة دقائق رأيت طفلاً مقبلاً نحوى و هو يقول : "ما أجمل هذه الوردة رائحتها جميلة جداً ". تعجبت لأن الوردة لم تكن جميلة بل ذابلة ، ولكنى أردت التخلص من الطفل فقلت : "فعلاً ، جميلة للغاية ".

عاد الولد فقال: "هل تأخذيها ؟". دهشت و لكنى أحسست إننى لو رفضتها سيحزن ، فمددت يدى و قلت : "سأحب ذلك كثيراً، شكراً ". انتظرت أن يعطيني الوردة و لكن يده بقيت معلقة فى الهواء

و هنا أدركت ما لم أدركه بسبب أنانيتي وانشغالي فى همومي .... فالولد كان ضريراً !! أخذت الوردة من يده، ثم احتضنته و شكرته بحرارة و تركته يتلمس طريقه و ينادى على أمه

بعض من أمور حياتنا تدفعنا للتذمر فهيا بنا نتأملها فى ضوء مختلف يدفعنا للشكر..... فهيا بنا نشكر :

الضوضاء ، لأن هذا يعنى إننا نسمع.

زحمة المرور، لأن هذا يعنى إننا نستطيع أن نتحرك و نخرج من بيتنا.

النافذة المحتاجة للتنظيف و الأواني التي فى الحوض،لأن هذا يعنى إننا نسكن فى بيت، بينما الملايين في العالم مشردون.

البيت غير النظيف بعد زيارة الضيوف،لأن هذا يعنى إن لدينا أصدقاء يحبوننا.

التعب الذى نشعر به فى نهاية اليوم، لأن هذا يعنى إن ربنا أعطانا الصحة لأتمام واجباتنا.

المنبه الذى يوقظنا فى الصباح من أحلى نوم،لأن هذا يعنى إننى مازلنا على قيد الحياة، ولنا 

فرصة جديدة للتوبة و العودة إلى الله 

النساء كثمرة التفاح على الشجر

Saturday, March 20, 2010

cool house

I want to live there!!!
t is a rare building design that manages to appear at once contextual and completely alienated from its surroundings. The curves of this unique house byJ. Mayer H. Architects bleed out from its edges and flow into the landscape around it, yet the division of artificial and natural remains quite clear save for the ambiguous boundary of the landscaped yard.
The attention to volume, curves and fluidity extends from the exterior of the house to its interior spaces that seem carved out of a single solid substance and morph from one room into the next like a series of caverns. The shell of the structure is pierced by likewise curved openings that frame incredible views of the adjacent and distant natural and residential areas.
Moving back to the outside, it is clear that there is an overall logic and rhythm governing the structure as it relates to the land on which it sits – namely, that it pushes out in all directions and moves both with and against the hill it rests on. The real accomplishment of this house design lies not in its purely aesthetic qualities but in the complex ways in which it relates to its environment and seeks a balance between being on independent object building and part of its site and surroundings.

Quote of the day

Friday, March 19, 2010

how big are you?

How big do you think you are?
Click here

do u live in canada?

Forget Rednecks,  

 Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has

 to say about Canadians.

If your local Dairy Queen is closed from
September through May,
You may live in Canada .

If someone in a Home Depot store
Offers you assistance and they don't work there,
You may live in Canada .

If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time,
You may live in Canada .

If you've had a lengthy  telephone conversation
With someone who dialed a wrong number,
You may live in Canada .

If 'Vacation' means going anywhere
South of Detroit for the weekend,
You may live in Canada .

If you measure distance in hours,
You may live in Canada .

If you know several people
Who have hit a deer more than once,
You may live in Canada .

If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C'
In the same day and back again,
You may live in Canada .

If you can drive 90 km/hr through 2 feet of snow
During a raging blizzard without flinching,
You may live in Canada .

If you install security lights on your house and garage,
But leave both unlocked,
You may live in  Canada .

If you carry jumper cables in your car
And your wife knows how to use them,
You may live in Canada .

If you design your kid's Halloween costume
To fit over a snowsuit,
You may live in Canada .

If the speed limit on the highway is 80 km --
You're going 95 and everybody is passing you,
You may live in Canada .

If driving is better in the winter
Because the potholes are filled with snow,
You may live in Canada .

If you know all 4  seasons:
Almost winter, winter, still winter,
and road construction,
You may live in Canada .  

If you have more  miles
On your snow blower than your car,
You may live in Canada .

 If you  find -2 degrees 'a little chilly',
You may live in Canada .

If you  actually understand these jokes,
And forward them to all
your friends,
You definitely are Canadian

Want to Know your Sugar Intake?

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Nibal Abou-Guendia <nibal39@hotmail. com>
Sent: Sat, March 13, 2010 1:12:02 PM
Subject: FW: Want to Know your Sugar Intake? please look at it.......

Think before you get them down your  throat...... .........


Quite an eye opener!

Someone ought to get an award for this.

Each cube is a teaspoonful.



من فضءل يوم الجمعه


Quote of the Day



I can't tell you why yet. I will tell you when it happens isa :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

long time no post

It has been quiet a while since I last posted something to this blog.
I have been really busy the past few days with school and I was sick 
with that puffy eye! I hate being sick.

Last night I went with Nosiba to help her pick a present for mother's day
She got her mom a purse and a pretty cup set. 
While we were out we looked for skirts so that I can wear it to school instead of pants since the school uniform has a short t-shirt. I found a nice gray one that I want to buy.
Since I didn't have enough  money with me I will have to find someone to go
with me today to buy the skirt.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am sick!!!!!!!
I didn't go to school today because my eye looks huge!
So much for having a fun birthday :(
This has to be the worst birthday week.
I have never been so depressed :'(

Sunday, March 7, 2010

books I currently own

Jinx - Meg Cabot
Being Nikki - Meg Cabot
Prom Nights From Hell - meg, stephanie, etc
Pants on fire  - meg cabot
Wings- Aprilynne Pike
The wedding of Jessica - beth Fantaskey
Dark Visions series - LJ Smith
Night World - LJ Smith
Forbidden Game - LJ Smith
Evermore - Alyson Noel
Blue Bloods - Melissa de la cruz
Twilight - stephanie meyer 
House of night - PC Cast
Partholon -pc cast
Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
Getting Lost with boys - Haily Abbot
Fallen - Lauren Kate
Alittle Scandle - Patricia Cabot
Fade - Lissa mcman
A kiss in time - Alex Finn
La ta7zan - 3ad al korany
Mortal Insturments - Cassandra Clare
Stargirl - Jerry Spinelle


Birthday song

I send this song to everyone when it's their birthday and now that it's my birthday i guess it's time i send it to myself :)


happy Birthday????!!!!?!?!

Oh no my birthday is today!
I feel awful!!!!
I have a biology test tomorrow that i haven't studies for, a SAT test, a sociology project due tomorrow, a math homework i haven't finished and ugh sooooo much more. I feel like I want to cry or scream or idk what i want to do. I feel old!!!
I really hope this year turns out better than today!
I don't really feel any different than i did at 17 but maybe i am more stressed out!

Wish me luck!
Happy Birthday to me (i really hope it turns out to be a happy one)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Places to go

Quote of the Day

The greatest things ever done on Earth 
have been done little by little."- William Jennings Bryan 

دعاء مؤثر و مبكي للشيخ العجمي