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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Twenty Characteristics of Faith

Assalamu Alaikum,
It's just so beautiful that it's definitely worth sharing. May we all, including our children, relatives, and friends,  strive to and attain all 20 characteristic of faith, ameen. 

(taken from bammoms)
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Twenty Characteristics of Faith
A member of a delegation from the tribe of Azd Suwayd ibn Al-Harith reports:

I was one of the seven men who were sent as a delegation from our tribe to the Prophet, peace be upon him. When we entered the mosque and spoke to him, he was pleased with our appearance. He asked us what we were. We said: "We are believers." The Prophet smiled and said: "Every statement must have a substance. What is the substance of your statement and your beliefs?" Our answer was: "Fifteen characteristics, five of which we were ordered to believe in by your messengers, and five we were ordered by them to implement, and five were part of our moral code, prior to Islam, which we still maintain unless you reject any of them." 

The Prophet asked: "What are the five in which my messengers have ordered you to believe?" We said: "They have ordered us to believe in 
1) God, 
2) His angels, 
3) His books, 
4) His messengers and 
5) Resurrection after death."

The Prophet asked: "What are the five that my messengers have ordered you to implement?" We said: 
1) "They have ordered us to declare that there is no deity other than God, 
2) to attend regularly to our prayers, 
3) to pay Zakat, 
4) to fast in the month of Ramadan and 
5) offer pilgrimage to the House if we are able to do so."

The Prophet then asked us: "And what are the five which you have adopted in pre-Islamic days?" Our answer was:
1)  To be thankful in times of plenty and 
2) to be patient in times of trial, and 
3) to accept the turns of fate, and
4) to show our commitment and dedication when we meet the enemy, and
5) not to express pleasure at misfortunes befalling our enemy." 

The Prophet commented: "These people are wise and learned. Indeed, they are so wise that they approach the degree of Prophets." He then said: "I am adding five more qualities so that you have 20 in all. If

you are truly as you have described, then 
1) do not accumulate what you cannot eat, 
2) do not build houses you shall not use for living, 
3) do not compete for something you are leaving behind tomorrow, 
4) have fear of God, to Whom you shall return and be accountable, 
5) and look forward to what you are certainly facing and that in which you shall remain forever."
[Ibn Kathir, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah]

Compiled From: "Muhammad: Man and Prophet" - Adil Salahi, pp. 762, 763